Now a days every Internet user wants to share files with friends, colleagues, classmates, family members or just share the files and tell to the world about your shared files via a blog or website, people who finds your shared files useful they will love to download your shared files from file hosting site.There are many file hosting sites which enables users to upload their files on their servers and give a download link
these sites have some limitations for free users and for premium members there are no limitations.Download and upload limit is there for free users as free users can only upload certain size of files and only single file at once and the files shared by free users must be downloaded certain period of time otherwise the file shared by free users are removed permanently.Here we have compiled a list of top 10 file hosting sites which we found over.
- MediaFire
- Rapidshare
- File Savr
- Fileqube
- FileDen
- File Factory
- EasyShare
- Megaupload
- Wikifortio
- 4Shared
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